Reaching out to the Sick, the Lonely, and the Depressed.
Next Sunday, 23rd Sept. the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered at the 10.30 am Mass.
It is intended for anyone coping with the difficulties of mental or physical illness and /or the infirmity of old age.
If you would like a lift — or if you can offer someone a lift — please call in to the parish office any morning or phone us on 8333602.
Refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre after Mass — and we are looking for some more helpers here too. If you are free for about two hours from 10am please call Anne on 8333602. Thanks!
Join our Parish Volunteers
The people who Clean the Church on Monday mornings urgently need more helpers — MEN & WOMEN — as they now have our beautiful new floor to look after.
If you can spare an hour after the 10am Mass on Monday mornings for some light cleaning please come along any Monday and have a chat with Rosemary.
Meals on Wheels
Angela and her team prepare nearly 100 meals every weekday to be delivered to homes around our area. But they need an army of drivers to get the food delivered quickly. If you can spare just one hour on even one day a week, would you consider helping with this very important task. Please call into the centre any morning and talk with Angela.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Gratefully acknowledges a very generous €2,247 received in their recent church gate collection.
1952 1962 1972 1987 Our Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass
Will be held on Sun 14th October at 10.30 am
We invite all couples celebrating their 60th, 50th 40th or 25th anniversary during 2012 and their families to join us for this special Mass and a reception after in the Parish Centre. If this is YOU or someone you know, Please contact the Parish office on 8333602 with your details.
The annual collection for Crosscare
The social care agency for the Dublin Diocese, will be held at all Masses next weekend.
It will replace the usual Share collection. For over 70 years Crosscare has reached out to those in need, and sought to redress poverty and social exclusion in our Diocese.
Sacrament of Baptism
Last week we welcomed into our Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism:
Alex Joseph Mills, Mount Prospect Grove.
Sometimes notices just don’t read Right!
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping. Bring your husbands.
Don’t let worry kill you off – let the church help.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
St. Gabriel’s Seniors Club
Tues. 18th Sep Art with Eleanor
10.30. Start of new 6-wk term – cost €20
Tues/ 25th Sep Tea/coffee with speaker 10.30
Go for Life Exercise Class 12.15pm new term starts – €15 for 6 weeks
Creative Writing Fri. 28th 2.15 pm in the Dining Room. New Term: €20 for 6 weeks.
Ballroom Dancing Thurs. 27th 2pm in main hall. New term: €20 for 6 weeks.
Outing to National Concert Hall Friday 12th Oct. Concert with lunch and coach: €30 depart 12pm
Enquiries to Frances – 086 6071979
Frances 8339269; Mairead 8331170; Susan 087-2693383
Big Heart Walks
The Irish Heart Foundation’s Big Heart Walk event will take place on Sunday 30th September at 12.30pm in St. Anne’s Park. It will follow a 3km route around the park, starting at the Sybil Hill entrance and finishing up around the playground. Face painting for kids and goody bags for all who take part.
Memorial Service for Babies who Passed away through Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Neonatal death.
This Sunday 16th Sept at 3.00 pm
Holy Spirit Church, Sillogue Road, Ballymun.
Secondary School Open Days
Holy Faith Clontarf Girls secondary school: Thursday 27th Sept. 7.00 – 9.00 pm
St. Paul’s College for boys: Monday 17th Sept 6.45 – 9.00 pm
St. Fintan’s High School, Sutton for boys: Tuesday 18th Sept. 7.30 – 9.00 pm