Parish Notes 10th March
Parish Notes 3rd March
Parish Notes 24th Feb
Parish Notes 17th Feb
Parish Notes 10th February
Parish Notes 20th January
Parish Notes 13th January
Parish Notes 16th December
Parish Notes 9th December
St. Vincent de Paul Sunday
The second collection at all Masses is the annual National appeal for the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
It replaces the usual Share Collection.
On behalf of those less fortunate, we thank you for bringing your gifts of toys, sweets, or non-perishable foods, to be given to families in need this Christmas
Christmas Carol Services
All the choirs and musicians – with some more friends – who sing at the various weekend Masses will combine to present a
Carol Service in our Church Next Sunday 16th Dec at 7.30 pm
Refreshments will be served afterwards
Belgrove Senior Boys will come to the Church for their Carol Service on Thursday next at 11.30
The Senior Girls will come on the following Monday, 17th Dec. also at 11.30
Do This in Memory
We welcome all the boys and girls preparing for their First Holy Communion and their families to the 12.00 Family Mass this Sunday for this month’s special Mass as part of their preparation.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Communal Service Sat. 21st Dec at the 10am Mass in St. John’s Church, Clontarf Rd
This will replace the three Communal Services we have had in previous years.
Individual Confessions: Christmas Eve 10.30 am – 12.00 noon; 2.00 – 4.00 pm
A Free Treat!
This Sunday afternoon, the Cantairi
Avondale Choir (formerly the National Teachers Choir) will perform a concert here in St. Gabriel’s Church at 2.00 pm., lasting approx. two hours. Admission is free and instead there will be a collection for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Christmas Youth Retreat
Youth 2000 Ireland will be hosting their annual Christmas youth retreat in Newbridge college Fri. 14th to Sun 16th Dec.
Good News to Go Thursday 13th December
Good News to Go will take place on Thursday 13th December in St. Teresa’s
Church, Clarendon St @ 7:30. Led by young people for young people and including
prayer, catechesis and music Noele Fitzpatrick from Magis Ireland will lead the
reflection and Testimony will by Brenda Drumm and Ian Callanan from
TwitterxmasSingle. The theme will on Advent. Download the poster on and and “like” on Facebook –
500 16-35 year olds from across Ireland are expected at this donation only event, with all newcomers very welcome.
Find out what your faith is all about in a friendly, chilled out atmosphere.
Retreat starts with registration on Friday at 8.00pm. Online booking necessary, see Free buses available.
Christmas Preparation for Children
Saturday 22nd December: 3.00 to 5.00 pm Manresa House, Clontarf Road
Christmas is, above all, a children’s event.
This afternoon is an opportunity for adults and children together to reflect and pray, to attend to what is really at the heart of the Christmas message.
Parents or guardians are invited to bring children along to Manresa for an afternoon of carol singing, storytelling and reflection on the meaning of Christmas – and to end the afternoon with a little party!(Parent/adult supervision is required).
No need to book. Just come along and enjoy the occasion! Visit for details.
Ministers of the Eucharist Christmas Roster
The Roster for the Christmas Masses (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) is in the Sacristy. Ministers of the Eucharist rostered for December are asked to consult it and to let Mary Hynes (086 604 2050) know if they have any problems. The normal roster will continue from the following weekend (29th / 30th Dec).
St. Gabriel’s Seniors Club
Tues. 11th Dec Art with Eleanor 10.30 am
Go for Life Exercise Class for members 12.15
New Year Lunch: book and pay 11.30 – 12.15
Ballroom Dancing Thurs. 2.15. Creative Writing Fri. 2 pm. Classes are for club members only.
New Year Party Tues. 8th Jan. Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel, Stillorgan Road. €40 includes
4 course lunch, sports, entertainment, coach.
Gallery Outings Fri 14th Dec. Chester Beatty Library. Bus no. 123 from end of Griffith Ave. At 10am. Talks less than an hour & followed by coffee/lunch. Enquiries: Marion 085 7244325
Memories of Christmas Past Story competition for over-55’s. Closing date 14th Dec. For details phone 4454783 or see
Final Tues. Tea/coffee morning 18th Dec. 10.30
Christmas celebration – mulled wine, mince pies, music & song with members and friends.
Enquiries: Frances 833 9269; Mairead 833 1170
Christmas Gathering
St. Brigid’s Church Killester
Sat. 15th December at 8.00 pm Adm. €10
Compere Bryan Hoey
Christmas with the Palestrina Choir
This Sunday 9th December at 8.00 pm
National Concert Hall With special guest Liam Lawton
Compere Mary Kennedy, RTÉ
Tickets €25 tel. 4170000 or see