Annual Mass for all those who died since last November 10.30 Mass on Sunday 5th November.
Invitations are being sent to all whose loved ones’ funerals took place here in St. Gabriel’s. If you would like to include your loved ones whose funerals were elsewhere, please notify the Parish Office – 8333602.
The Altar List of the Dead for the year starting from 1st November next is now open. Sheets and envelopes are available in the Gathering/Baptismal area.
All the Masses on 1st & 2nd November, and two Masses each month, are offered for those whose names are on the Altar List.
Sacrament of Baptism
Last week we welcomed into our Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism:
Conor Damien Markey, Seapark Drive
Rian Anthony Brereton, Marino
Maja Kristina Stephenie Fanning, Clontarf Road.
Taizé Prayer Around the Cross Next WEDNESDAY 17th October 8.30 – 9.30 pm
Come and lay your burdens down at the Cross of Christ.
St. Gabriel’s Seniors Club
Tues. 16th Art 10.30; Exercise class 12.15
Holiday in Westport Sun 18th – Fri 23rd Nov. €265 Book with deposit €30: Enquiries to Aisling 8336544 / Helen 087 7907926
B/Dancing Thurs. 2pm.
C/Writing Fri 2.15
Tues. 23rd Hallowe’en theme: Tea/coffee with Barm Brack 10.30. Music & song with Michael McEvoy. Dress for Hallowe’en!
Organist / Musical Director Required for St. Anthony’s church, Clontarf,
from November 2012 For details contact Fr. Larry White: 086 4143888 or St. Anthony’s Parish office: 8333459.
Music Workshop
Members of all our Church Choirs and members of the congregation who like to sing are invited to a Music Workshop with Ian Callanan, one of Ireland’s leading composers of liturgical music, Next Saturday 20th October
Full day Workshop 9.30-4pm Half-day 9.30–1pm
Pre-booking is essential. To register, please contact Aisling Molloy, Director, St. Gabriel’s Music Group (10.30 Mass) on 087 6771435 or the Parish office.
Thank You
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul gratefully acknowledges the very generous sum of €1,807 received in their recent Church gate collection.
The confidential phone no. for the St. Vincent de Paul society is 087 2733961.
Wedding Anniversaries Mass
On this Sunday at the 10.30 Mass we all share in the celebration with those who are celebrating significant anniversaries this year.
The text for the Renewal of Marriage Vows is reprinted here to allow everyone to join in
Please also join them after Mass for a Reception in the Parish Centre.
Penitential Rite
All: We are inspired by the Holy Family to live according to love. We confess our frailty and failure to live up to this ideal. We confess selfishness and self-centredness; our pride and reluctance to admit our wrongs; our impatience and intolerance.
We confess our lack of trust that we are loved by each other and by God; our fear to take the risk of loving; our hesitation in seizing opportunities to make love real.
In confessing our sin, we proclaim God’s mercy
and we pray for the waters of his compassion
to run gently over us and wash away our sin,
to purify our hearts and our intentions.
Renewal of Marriage Vows
Renewal of Marriage Vows
Fr. Pat: I invite you to profess your faith in the
love of God – a Trinity of persons – Father, Son
and Holy Spirit. Do you believe in the goodness
of human life, in God the creator of all?
All: We do
Fr. Pat:: Do you believe in Jesus, God’s own
beloved Son, in the power of his death and
resurrection and that good will triumph over evil?
All: We do
Fr. Pat:: Do you believe in God’s Spirit, living
within and amongst us, uniting us to Jesus and
calling us to love?
All: We do
Fr. Pat: Do you believe that we all share this call
and that responding to it we can change the
world? All: We do
Fr. Pat: With these convictions, I now invite you
to remember the promises you made on your
Wedding Day.
For those whose loved one has gone before them
to the Lord, I invite you, in your heart, to
remember your cherished commitment to your
marriage and so to grow in strength:
I now invite you all to renew your promises:
Husbands: I confirm and renew my gift of myself
to you. In my failure to love, I ask to be reconciled
with you. I thank you for your love and I thank
God for you.
Wives: I confirm and renew my gift of myself to
you. In my failure to love, I ask to be reconciled
with you. I thank you for your love and I thank
God for you.
Together: We thank you, good and gracious God,
because finding each other has made life so
special for us and because in our love we have
known your call. We thank you for our family and
home where we live the call to love. As we
renew our commitment we ask your blessing and
Fr. Pat: I call upon the Holy Trinity to bless all
those who celebrate special anniversaries today:
to bless them with the unity that is within God
to bless them with the diversity that is within God
to bless them with the intimacy that is within God
to bless them with the creativity that is within God
to bless them with the passion that is within God
and to draw them ever more deeply
and to draw them forever into the life that is God
We hope that the widowed women and men among us will go on witnessing to the best in the
in the one whom they have loved, to the qualities
they cherished and admired, By this they testify that the union continues in love.
Parish Visitation
Fr. Pat will continue his visitation on MOUNT PROSPECT AVENUE, this week the even numbers starting at the Vernon Avenue end.